bike accident - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
I wondered after the bike accident if there was a buried part of me that was trying to speak if its pain, as if that part of me had temporarily made a choice for danger and sold it to my upper self as a chance for fun.
The bike accident was the most foolish thing I'd ever done, because in as much as I wanted to claim it was pure happenstance, I was the one doing the driving.
How can we say we love those around us when we put ourselves at risk... I had to learn how to bike more safely... how to realise that boring is best.
At times you take all due caution but another person isn't and you get all caught up their mess. There is such a thing as bad luck and the bike accident was just such a thing.
I had no idea another pathway had been constructed there so I had no idea to slow at that point or look out for it - that's why the bike accident occured.