
Real men have chivalry and raise women up, even if they are alphas they use their strength as gallant protectors. Conversely, shallow-ego men dominate and fear women. The male supremacist is so frightened of love that he subverts natural loving bonds into those of emotionally indifferent control.


In species that reproduce sexually the relative vulnerability of the female during pregnancy, birth and motherhood is offset by chivalrous behaviour of males. In a modern society women need a great education and full choice of what they wish to accomplish in the lifetime, and that may or may not include motherhood. Yet because of this basic element in sexually reproducing species the society (males and females) will either become chivalrous (protective) of females or misogynistic/patriarchal. Thus both chivalry and misogyny/patriarchy become aspects of wider society directed at women yet carried out by both genders for personal gain.


The "Legend of the Knight Angel" is a lesson in chivalry from the grandest of masters. It is a story that resonates through the ages and to the core of each soul that exists in each given moment. It is one of the threads of the divine universe and always woven to the legend of his lover, the Angel Star.


The opposite of patriarchy is chivalry, because the opposite of oppression is support. Thus the rights of women and men exist not in a balanced relationship with one another that take into account one another's needs and abilities - in this way we can see relationships and health as part of the same cultural ecosystem. When in balance we understand our rights and responsibilities in the context of both ourselves as individuals and of society. Because women are the child-bearing gender, they require a protective society, a protective culture. To give women the "exact same rights as men" with no extra protections is actually a form of cruelty. To give women the same opportunities as men, however, can be seen as a form of chivalry.


The cultural dance partner of chivalry is gratitude, appreciation and emotional warmth - all of which show strength and virtue. Each partner has equal intelligence and value, they simply know how to move in step together.


In a system of cultural chivalry stress is kept up at the level of the strongest rather than being passed down to the more vulnerable. In this umbrella system of protection the biology and neurological development of children is optimised thus ensuring the continuation of a cooperative and healthy society.


A patriarchal society uses women as slavery in its various forms and even leaves mothers to fend for themselves with judgemental attitudes that blame and shame. A society based in chivalry takes care of women, giving them the freedom to pursue (if they wish) motherhood with a safety net and societal support to enable them to remain fully rounded human beings with respect to the development of their talents and other interests.


Bro, Ken, are you broken? When did you lose the balls it takes to make this world fit for all God's children? Is there anything between your legs or not? Where is the chivalry? Where are all the knights? Why am I fighting this alone? This is a world of barbs and all of them are ripping my skin.


Plastic surgery can be a life saver for those who need rebuilding or are born with a deformity. It can be as impactful and important as any other branch of medicine. Yet what we have generated with relentless images of "one kind of body as 'perfect'" is a problem for many, especially women. When the average breast size is a B, why do we see the bulk of women in advertisements being so much larger? As a woman, it feels abusive on a grand social scale. Patriarchy is male dominated, but many women have taken on the same attitudes for personal enrichment and now abuse other women just as much. There are men who fight for women, who oppose these images and are protective. Thus, patriarchy vs chivalry is not women vs. men, nor the converse, but utilitarian emotionally cold personal enrichment vs. what is loving, kind and right. Nobody should feel the need to become a Barbie doll human for acceptance in society or to become successful in the public eye, though I have felt that pressure and empathise.


I'm your knight. Protective chivalry is my thing. If anyone messes with you I promise I'll be their nightmare. I'll ride them until they drop. Trust me, I'm real good at it.


It is because females have the chance of becoming pregnant and therefore less able to defend themselves and infants (in addition to having muscles that are less strong than males) human society requires chivalry to remain healthy. It is expected in human tribes that males are protective toward females and this is especially strong in romantic relationships. Without protection females are guarded against relationships and pregnancy. In this dog-eat-dog society where all are atomised and expected to have the ability "stand alone" society disintegrates, family life falls apart. Chivalry is not a nice "add on," but vital.