Ogres are not born yet made in the ice world and brought to the swamps to become the monsters. And monsters they are, for the only form of joy they were ever allowed was the sick bio-chemical highs that cruelty brings. Only fools make heroes of such beasts. They are not grumpy, or the street curmudgeon, yet seek opportunities to commit evil, to service their addiction to it.
The ogre had not the capacity for love, yet only saw living as a simple equation of kill or be killed. They are predators.
Without love, all are trapped in an icy cage, and the ogre is the poster child of this reality.
To have self control, to protect others, to do the harder thing when it is the right thing to do... all of this requires the kind of brain functioning that ogres lack. They develop the primitive aspects of their brain only... and so to them vices are virtues and love is a myth... a magic... a story made up by the humans....