
Just as the days of his fine boat travelling the waves has passed, the old fisherman had earned the right to rest upon the beach and dream.


Were you to take a sonogram of the old fisherman's heart, you would see the dolphins and seals that ever-swim within.


The old fisherman rested upon a sun-heated rock, his face a playful mirror of the waves, bonny with ocean reflected light.


In jocund reflected waves of light, the old fisherman felt serenity within.


Old fishermen, new sun, fresh waves and teaming fish - it was a great day in the harbour.


The old fisherman would have taken the right to become a pebble upon his beach as heaven enough.


The old fisherman had a special bond to the ocean, for she was the stalwart of his existence.


The old fisherman would laugh that his wrinkles were a map of ocean currents, that they had been carved there by generous winds.