relexicable - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
Relexicables are real. They can use the lexicon to rewire and heal the brain as if they are laying fine optic cables for high speed internet in the brain. It's an upgrade if you accept it. Are you up for it? Because we are able, k? And, in case you are wondering, we won't own the down load or leave you loaded, low dead, or down with a frown. We defy the lores of gravity all day, every day, hip hip hooray!
At Healy International (H.I.) it is an advantage to be what muggles call "dyslexic" - we never ever diss the lexicon, that's disrespectful! We call the same thing an ability and to us it is "relexicable." The relexicable are superior at decoding and resplicing the lexicon into positive spells.
If you are relexicable, the team tweaking the lore of gravity is highering.
Note to relexicables: The text by the non relexicable contains a rancid base, a sub-woofer that's out of key. Just sayin' 'cause it jingle jangles.
"FISH is part of the natural ability of the relexicables, yet we renamed it so that the STEM community can relate to what we do and collaborate. This is team work all the way. However, FISH comes from the science term Florescent Insitu Hybridisation - glowing "junk" DNA is used to find genes in related species, to highlight their locations. This is what our relexicable "Lore and Order" troop do to catch those who think themselves invisible. We use nanowordology to glow up the speech that identifies perpetrators of evil crimes. The truth is always coded for in speech, it is part of our human evolution and the bad guys can't alter that one bit. The abilities we've had for thousands of years can find these markers and expose them. Now, tech enabled, AI enabled, we are the hunters of the hunters. Wherever they are, whatever dark corner they cower in, we light their asses on fire with glow sticks. FISH baby, don't need bait, it's all hook. Then it's all up to the regular police, army, law and order guys and gals to do their thing in the same way they always do. FISH is an enhancement, an extra search engine, and we always give aid to those who ask, to the vulnerable. That is what abilities are for. No capes, just capers for the good force.