To bring all shopping, big and small stores, into click 'n' collect or home delivery was important for reducing community transmission of viruses such as Covid, but it also reduced other diseases too. The only ones in the shop were the staff who took all necessary precautions and the groceries were collected all ready to go. For those without internet connections there were staff ready to take their orders the same way we do in a restaurant. We got better at it and it made everyone that bit safer. To make best use of driver time and vans we delivered door to door; it is far more efficient. Not everyone got their favourite brand name, but everyone got fed well and stayed more healthy. It was a great example of how thinking of others first brings benefits to everyone in time.
Shopping was a time to vote with our conscience, to become part of a new tide.
Shopping was a time to feel the blessings that came our way, to bring home the food that sunlight, soil and the loving farmer's hand produced.
Shopping was a moment to connect with the sacred abundance of Earth and reconnect to a sense of gratitude.
Advertisers have transformed shopping into an addiction rather than a sense of being blessed and a reason to give thanks.
To hold the food in the shops, to be able to take it home for family and friends, was to feel a tangible link to our creator and mother earth.
Shopping well became an avenue to the regeneration of society into real sustainable and healthy communities.