social leaps - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
We need social leaps, but we need to be sure that they are in the right direction, and that's where education and experience come in. We need the passion, we need the energy, but by God you need to get your navigation sorted out.
We are warm hearted, yet we need pragmatism. It is a balance that causes pain because there is always the emotional need to save everyone, to remove suffering and fix whatever is broken. The best way to accomplish this task however is big-hearted-pragmatsim. It is slower in some regards, but it is solid and moves onward rather than the erratic leaps forwards that generally precede many leaps backwards. It is an underrated mode of thought - a good combination of love, logic, philosophy of concepts and science. It does require high levels of creativity to make it work because that is true intelligence. But... if you are looking for better leaders... that's a pretty huge hint on how to identify them.