
Emotions are a form of biochemical bank account; positivity pays in and negativity is a withdrawal. We can give to one another in an emotional ecosystem when society is healthy, cooperative and kind. In a society of competition people start to take more than they give, health of brain and body deteriorates, society becomes more violent and unstable. It all links back to the biochemical bank account and the lead indicator of too many withdrawals and lack of deposits is stress (high cortisol).


In a system of cultural chivalry stress is kept up at the level of the strongest rather than being passed down to the more vulnerable. In this umbrella system of protection the biology and neurological development of children is optimised thus ensuring the continuation of a cooperative and healthy society.


Whenever Charlie is stressed he goes somewhere quiet and is still for a time, letting the feelings of fear and sadness ebb and flow. Then, when he is ready, he counts his blessings one by one. It turns him around, I've seen it. After that he rests some more until he's ready to reface challenges.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, January 27, 2020.

One major problem of having a psychologically immature adult population, is that stress bubbles down to the most vulnerable rather than being taken on by mature elders.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, December 21, 2019.

If stress is coffee in a cup, and if the cup spills you are overwhelmed and sick, then it makes sense to put a lid on that cup. This is managing your life, choosing wisely what you can and can't cope with. This way we keep an open heart and see that we are doing the most we can do whilst remaining in good health. One way I put a lid on my cup is not to watch the news, to talk with those who bring a sense of love into my life. We can make choices to care for the self and still be kind. You can care better for others from strength than weakness and you can always keep your sense of duty to others as your moral compass, as the reason you come back to help even at the expense of your own comfort. It's a prudence with integrity that awaits the right moment to be brave.


You're perfectly annoying but that's okay, because it's as much a reflection of me as anything else. Those days everything goes right I find you so cute, and those days the world bites me I want to bite you. So really, it's the pressure and stress that messes us up, you and me. Because when I see you properly I soon find that you are annoyingly perfect.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 13, 2019.

Stress in girls is less "fright or flight" and more "tend and befriend." It's how we're wired, to be part of a group, to socialize and feel safe within those connections. I can tell you, honestly, that though I sought you at a time of stress, the love in that friendship was real. Had you risen to the challenge, it would have deepened to something eternal. I wish you had. I wish with everything that I am and will ever be that you had. Yet it is time to close that door, old friend.


Baby, stress stimulates the fear part of the brain, stress hormones get released that stimulate the fear part of the brain, so stress hormones get released that stimulate the fear part of the brain, so stress hormones get released... it's a cycle. The only way out is to remove yourself from things that scare you, to find a place to reclaim your mind. Once you've done that, you'll be free, an independent thinker ready to save others. We need more heroes... so conquer yourself... stand up... join us.


When a mother is stressed, brain function is decreased in her infant even by two months old. This alteration of the brain harms the ability of the child to be a happy person who is a member of a functional complex society. The stress also changes the expression of over 900 genes for a shorter life in a competitive (rather than a cooperative) society. Darwinist principles would only operate for humanity if their society was broken... and this is the most stressful environment a human can be asked to endure. So, for the future, for peace, the first gift we must give to every newborn baby is an unstressed mother... and this comes of taking food out of capitalism and working together as farmers, scientists and engineers... working out how to maximise a nutritious global harvest for all that is distributed fairly to all nations. To change the world, decrease stress.


I feel stress rise and flow from my fingertips, to make its expression in word, dance or musical form. It is the way or the artist.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, February 8, 2022.