A superhero takes damage to pay for the safe passage of others, they sacrifice what others won't.
Programs developed in the wake of MKULTRA accidentally made a new breed of superheroes. Those assholes made me the woman I am today. It's probably better if they don't expect a Christmas card or a thank-you. Ironic for Nazi research to make a hero of a part-Jew.
I am the servant of the meek, the master of the strong and the enemy of the evil. Choose where you stand carefully because I always win; it is what superheroes do. So ask for help... be of help... or run... the choice is yours.
Shooting ear-wax from both ears simultaneously she gummed up the gangsters weapons and stuck them to the floor. Then using her electro-gadget power she spoke to the computers in binary to shut off the missile launch. Of course the gangsters ran after her, they pulled daggers out of their pockets, she used her bat sonic power. The gangsters covered their ears in pain. She took their daggers and shot more earwax at them to gum the gangsters to the floor. She grinned. Another victory for the League of Megaheroes.