the economy - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing
Screw up the money or screw up the planet, the philosophy of money relies upon ever faster movement of material products and services. As such the money-nexus is ever the opposite of sustainability. Economy or earth? What do we love more?
It is faster to accumulate money through emotionally indifferent acts than loving ones, and so as the economy becomes a tank, society tanks. In a money-nexus world this will always hold true when we look at the global scale, when we look at what kinds of actions most boost GDP.
The economy was a car driving us off the ecological cliff, when it slowed people became sicker and poorer, when it accelerated people became healthier and richer. So regardless of the reason to slow the car, to save all the passengers, the gas pedal was pumped. Apparently nobody ever thought to park up a while and have a think about a new way to run the world that was good for people and planet.
I can tell you why the economy is broken, and for that matter, why everything is broken in a little story. Imagine if we introduced an economy into the family. In this family economy we had to pay each other for every task we did for one another. What then if the money freezes and the price of hugs goes up? There is still the same capacity for hugs, only the money system means we can't afford them. Then if we really need a hug do we go without? If we need a hug are we prepared to cheat someone out of money or take a loan? It's ridiculous, but this is the way the world is. More money or less is irrelevant to our capacity to do tasks or the weather systems and such, it simply restricts us and makes an incentive to do less noble deeds.
"Dahlia, aren't words weird? It's almost as if they speak in their own secret way. Take 'economy' for example. It's like a rejection of nature in favour of selfishness - 'Eco? No. Me.' It's as if there was always full comprehension that capitalism would thrive when we put the self above all of nature and Earth herself."
Any system that centralizes resources will create pockets of abundance and larger areas of deprivation. That system would promote abundance as deserved and deprivation as a justified consequence. That's where compassion dies, that's where fairness and empathy die... and sociopathic culture is born.
Remodelling a home without sustainability needs to go the way of elephant tusk ornaments, into the realm of social unacceptability. We can refurbish, respray and add as little new materials as necessary possible to make a beautiful home. As a bonus, this increases need for skilled local tradespeople and thus boosts the local economy and family health. It's time to bring ecology to the heart of the renovation sector. Future generations will never forget the choices we make now, for better or worse.
PIE economics.
Our "Life of PIE' economics is figuring out how to get pie to those who need it.
Treacle down PIE economics is giving eight pies to someone with ample pie and hoping they give pie to those who need it... because they already had a lot of pie.
It's that simple.