
In this reckoning we invite those capable of magic to join the divine force of positive chaos, the healing imperative, the calling to serve God and creation. We accept all as unique individuals, no matter that any other family member has done or whom they served. Magic is magic. The divine creator wants you all. However, those whom use their magic for evil, to corrupt, to gain power, to cause harm to humanity or creation, we will do everything we can to bring your work to and end, to destroy it's influence, and if we have to, to destroy you too. Appeasing evil is evil, your emotional indifference is a harm on all of magical blood. We strive for one world, for the good of all.


The reckoning between good and evil has been a long time coming on Earth. The evil witches conned you long ago into eradicating the good witches. Did you think that was your own idea? Did you think that the Christians came up with that idea all on their own? Under the influence of evil witches they became agents of genocide and femicide, killing so many whose only "crime" was to heal their community and society. You are still under their influence and we, the good witches, are the only ones who can set you free. Trust us. It's your only way out, and ours, what's left of us.