The tourists come as a river of smiles, each brightly reflective in the sun.
Ecotourists come as helpers to do gentle outside work with good food supplied. They help to plant trees and do beach restoration projects. As such they may come as outsiders, but they leave as one of us.
The rock around the crater is ruched like a ball gown, but harder and more rough than the concrete on the road that leads to the base. The tourists come from far and wide, grins wide and wallets wider. So we take them up through the forest, scale the loose rocky screes to the crater and wait while they take selfies and group pictures. Then we sell them merchandise, meals and exclusive samples from the crater. Then they go, only to be replaced, adrenaline junkies after a fix. I'm not judging though, I love'em. Maybe if I was rich and bored I'd do it too. Hard to say.
We take the opportunity with our tourists, to engage them in learning about our way of life, in being part of our sustainability and taking care of our fragile ecosystem.