You think I'm trapped, but I have a handle on the situation.
Show me a room with no door and I'll make one with the power of my thoughts. Before you can blink I will have both it and the key. Blink again and you will be the one trapped in there, not me. I am Lucy. Hello.
Baby, have the courage to trap me. I need you to. That's how I feel safe. I can get out if I want to. I can make a door, make a key or walk through the walls. I'll only ever be trapped as long as I want to stay. But trap me anyway. It is my medicine.
I had a hundred million traps to work my way through. There is no safe that can hold me lest the one I want to call home.
I don't pick locks, I pick the traps I want to be in. I think yours would be so very fun.
I was trapped for so long that I lost faith that there was a world beyond the walls. After that. After feeling free light my fear of being trapped again became all consuming. So, I figured out all the traps, the codes, the combinations, the locks... I can make any key and command a door to appear. I became magical. Or, to mortals I am. I grew to feel safe again. Now that I am free I need a home. I need love. I need a place that protects and cares. I need to give love back. So, when are you going to invite me in?