Is any wound to your ego to small to trigger your treachery?
What you see as your nobility is simply an ever-spinning wheel of treachery, and so it gives me great sadness to rescind your invitation to our ranks.
For what gain did you gamble with my sanity over and over? Your treachery is marked in eternal ink.
After a lifetime of love you betrayed me, telling lies about me to those who may otherwise have helped me in my time of need. You're a villain. I hope you're good with that designation, because you earned it, every penny.
How ironic that you spend every last thought to protect your image, when the methods you deploy render you treacherous to the last gram. Your legacy will be a wonderful example of who not to emulate.
You spent every last one of my emotional dollars as if there was an endless supply, then ripped my heart out when rock bottom was reached. I'll recover because I am the golden goose after all. I make more gold so easily. But you? In this story you are the treacherous bastard who almost killed the hero. I suppose you can try to make the ending a bit softer for yourself, good luck with that. Redemption is always worth a shot I suppose.