
"Us vs. Them" is supposed to come after the "Me vs. Me" battle is resolved. After all, how can one successfully interact with others if one has not yet mastered the self? In this atomised socially darwinistic culture ever increasing proportions of the population fail to win "Me vs. Me" and are thus not psychologically mature. The advertising industry makes more profit from immature adults than mature ones. However, to become the best version of yourself, to have proper self control, to have both command of your empathy and logic, is vital to the formation of society and cohesive culture. When you have done this you will be ready to convert "Us vs. Them," into "Us and Them," and then onwards to a sense of "Us."


Frontiers are part of an "us and them" world, a pre-peace planet that has not yet learned that sustainability and equity are part of the same bundle plan.


Society will snap if you play "social snap;" other people aren't cards to collect into your deck.