
The zombie masters would hit the fear centre, drive their followers into the primal areas of their brains, induce a form of dependancy in which variation from their "hymn" was a sort of apostasy from the group. They defined their group via hate yet preached of love, caused chaos and spoke of stability. Once this had been done for a period of years the capacity of the population to have logical thoughts, to analyse, to question lies and seek truth, was all but gone. And in those challenging days their only way out were the word whisperers - those who could use a form of linguistics to reawaken the sleeping abilities, to form a new generation of philosophers, of science, of faiths that really love and cares for all.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 17, 2020.

A tool is a tool, it's what you do with it that counts and 5G technology and Wifi is just the same. I guess it would be obvious that the zombie-masters would be out there whipping up the heard, but it was disappointing nevertheless to see how many new zombies had been made. The irony of the zombies was thus laid bare, they were trying to make up for their own lack of cerebral capacity by "consuming" the brains of others instead of allowing the dysfunctional parts of their brains to shrink and growing better brains through hard work and effort. Just like a muscle, the brain only stays in shape if you workout regularly and with effort.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 17, 2020.

When the brain has no exercise and is only fed with "fast food," the result is a zombie state with a mental capacity so depleted as to render even the notion of free will quite mute. For if you cannot think, analyse or arrive at a solid conclusion then democracy becomes impossible and partisan split is in danger of becoming two armies of mindless "yes men," too dumb to do anything other than what their leader tells them.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 17, 2020.

Those zombie masters, if you opened up their chests you'd find a black hole where their heart should be, ever hungry for more, ever destructive.

By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, September 17, 2020.